Help SiteClinic UsersPaymentsApplying Payment(s) with in a visit

Applying Payment(s) with in a visit

Payments can be applied to one or multiple invoices within a visit record or client record.  Payments can be applied to invoices from the current visit or previous visit or client invoices.  We offer two places to apply payments (visit record or client record) to make it more efficient for the majority of the transactions since they occur in the context of a visit .  

Difference between a visit invoice and a client invoice ? Read this article

Navigate to the Payments Tab within the selected visit

Applying payments is very easy in 3 steps.

  1. Select one or multiple invoices (SpecVet totals them for you).  Use this amount or enter in a different amount
  2. Select payment type and cash drawer used
  3. Enter in an optional reference number such as check # or CC transaction #