Help SiteClinic UsersMedical RecordsMedical Record & Invoice with SMRT Feature - Video

Medical Record & Invoice with SMRT Feature - Video

With SpecVet you can easily create medical records and generate invoices with our super MRT feature

Navigate to the desired visit

Click on the MRN tab

Click on the blue plus icon

This is where you can add individual MRNs or Super Medical Record Templates

Use the Super MRT Category to streamline the selection process

Once selected you can add this template with our without the associated billing template

With one click the entire medical record template including billing has been added to the visit record

Navigate to the first MRN and you can see visit variable such as name and clinic have been added.

Use your tab key to skip to next place holder variable ... the triple x’s (xxx)

User your vertical blue arrow buttons to navigate to the next MRN in the edit window and continue the editing/finalizing process

In this example we added the associated billing template.  Once the billing template has been added you can still edit, delete or add additional billing items or templates

SpecVet has the best medical record system, it allow fast easy creation of standard medical records with the flexibility to customize easily and intuitively if needed.

Imagine being able to complete medical records and billing in just a few seconds, you can do it with SpecVet