Help SiteClinic AdminsOrders (Labs/Imaging/Procedures)IDEXX Vet Lab Station User Procedures

IDEXX Vet Lab Station User Procedures

Section I: Ordering Items in SpecVet X

First, choose the desired Patient/Visit that you would like to create/add a new order to from within SpecVet X.

Next, click on the desired visit or patient ID.

At the top of the page, under the Patient/Visit detail, click on the ‘Orders’ Tab.

When the ‘Orders’ list for that patient/visit opens, click on the ‘New Order’ button located above the Order Workflow window.

Clicking on the ‘New Order’ button brings up the ‘Order Selection’ pop-up window.


While viewing the ‘Order Selection’ window, users can search and sort orders by description, type, order code or source, as well as choose an attending DVM. 

(For example, when ordering Electrolytes, search for order code “lytes”).

From this window the user can select either a single, or multiple Orderable Items. 

After user-selection is complete, the orderable item will be highlighted in green.

Once the desired Orderable Items have been selected, click ‘Done’.

The ‘Orderable Items’ pop-up window will automatically close and the items ordered will now populate in the Orders list on the left hand side of the SpecVet application. 

(A time stamp will also be generated in the Order Workflow window to indicate precisely the date and time the item was ordered).

NOTE: When an Orderable Item is accidentally added via the ‘Orderable Items’ pop-up window, the user can delete it simply by clicking on the circular red icon to the right of the undesired orderable item in the orders list.

Section II: Sending Ordered Items to the IDEXX Vet Lab Station

Under the orders tab, select the desired orderable item

To send the ordered item to the IDEXX Vet Lab Station, look to the right hand side of the screen at the Order Workflow module.


(Ex: Glucose Order Workflow)

For the orderable item above, Glucose, the order workflow steps are as follows…

  1. Ordered

  2. Send to IVLS

  3. Results Received

  4. Results Reviewed

Since the above item (glucose) has already been ordered via the Orderable Items pop-up window, it is now ready to be sent to the IDEXX Vet Lab Station (IVLS).

To send the Ordered Lab request to the IVLS, click on the UPDATE option next to the line that reads ‘Send to IVLS’.

(Order workflows will vary depending upon the item(s) ordered)*

After clicking on the ‘Update’ option in the Orderable Workflow window, a timestamp will generate, indicating the date and time the order was sent to the IVLS Vet Station.

Ordered Items/Labs will automatically populate on the IDEXX Vet Lab Station Screen after clicking UPDATE.

SECTION III: After Orders have been sent to the IVLS 

After ordering, go to the IVLS Touch Screen Monitor.

The patients name along with what is ordered is now displayed automatically.

The user must manually go to the IVLS screen & select their patient/ordered item.

Next, hit run test button.

Choose desired options from the drop-down menu… 

Select doctor

  • Select reason for testing
  • Select instruments test is to be run on
  • Hit the run test button.

The user now must go and run the test the same way they normally would.

Once the test has been run and completed, results will automatically import into SpecVet.

After the results have been received, the user may go into the visits order tab and check the order workflow status. 

As in the above example, once results have been received, click the update option and a time stamp will be generated. Once results have been reviewed, click on the update button and a time stamp will be generated here as well.

SECTION IV: Viewing Lab Results Once They Have Been Received

Once an orderable item has been sent to the IVLS, processed through the order workflow and results have been received, update status to ‘Results Received’ for the selected patient/visit.

To view lab results:

 Click on the ‘Labs’ tab at the top of the page to the right of the ‘Orders’ tab.

The Labs tab will show Lab result details, such as Dates/Times, Lab Names, Sources, Individual Results, Text Results, Clinic Notes and Test History.

Further information on the selected labs can be found under the ‘Information from Order’ section of the Labs tab.

SECTION V: Viewing an Orderable Items’ Status

There are various ways to view an orderable items status:

From the SpecVet Home Page a user may click on the ‘Orders’ button to view a list of currently ordered items.

This list will populate complete with details, such as the order name, patient, client and visit details, provider name, department, order date and time, start date and time, order type, status, current order workflow step and next workflow order step.

From the ‘Orders’ module located on the SpecVet homepage, a user can search for their ordered items and check the status, read and edit any notes that have been entered, as well as update the Order Workflow steps and marking the order as complete.

SECTION VI: How to Handle Orphaned Labs from IVLS?

Occasionally, when the IVLS imports lab results back to SpecVet, a lab may become orphaned. Although this is a nuisance, it can be quickly resolved through SpecVet using the ‘Lab Interfaces’ button found on the SpecVet Home Page.

  • First, click on the ‘Lab Interfaces’ button.

  • Next click the button titled ‘Orphaned Labs’

Orphaned labs from IVLS will populate with a patient name as well as a patient ID.

From here, a list of all orphaned labs will be generated. 

The user is now able to view Individual Results, Result Details as well as Test History information.


Choose your orphaned lab from the list, and in the Order # text box, the user must type the order number they wish to link the IVLS results to.

Next, click the +Link to Order button to link the orphaned lab to the correct order number.

Repeat for all orphaned labs.

SECTION VII: Troubleshooting the IDEXX Vet Lab Station (IVLS)

If a user clicks UPDATE on the order workflow step named “Send to IVLS” and the Ordered Item does not appear on the IVLS touchscreen monitor, there is likely a red X through the SpecVet1 icon on the IVLS touch screen monitor.

If this is the case, the IVLS is not communicating with SpecVet properly.

In the event of a communication issue between SpecVet and the IDEXX Vet Lab Station (IVLS), reboot the IVLS Workstation manually.

After reboot, wait a few minutes to allow communications to come back online. If a red X still persists on the SpecVet logo, please contact your IT department for further troubleshooting options.

Further Information on Troubleshooting

*Each Orderable Item may have different workflow steps, depending upon the complexity and needs of that order.

*New clinics will need to go in and create their own Order Workflow Steps prior to upgrade.